Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And we are off...

Students arrived yesterday morning after a combination of long drives from as far as Yakima Valley and Forks, WA. For some, the trip also included a maiden trip on a Washington State ferry. Some of the kids at my dinner table last night had to wake up as early as 3am to get here on time. Phew! I promised them it would be worth it in the end.

Their day included borrowing some gear to make their field days more comfortable and then, the fun and challenging Teams Course. The Teams Course experience invites students to contemplate and practice the skills that are required to work together with a group of people in order to meet a common goal. In the case shown below, the students have to get their whole group, 8 kids, from tree to tree on a wire without anyone falling off.

In the end, the groups talk about what they did well and what they could improve upon for the next challenge.

Finally, last night, after a big pasta dinner and some amazing chocolate chip brownies the kids went to the Great Hall for an evening program. We had a couple of guests from the Woodland Park Zoo leading an engaging program about observation skills, field marks, camouflage and more!

Check back later for an update about how the day is going. Reports just in that one group has already seen our resident Barred Owl, Gus while another cooked some food from the garden with our chef, Chris. More later!!

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